Devasandra Circle | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 1
Location Devasandra Circle, Karnataka, India
Financial Services Business Services
Marks & Kroners Forex Private Limited is engaged in the business of foreign money changing, import and export of foreign currencies, regulate foreign currency loans and other funding, credit, and to arrange, and to grant and issue letters of credit, circular notes and to issue, and to deal in instruments/currencies like cheques, and to act as brokers, buying and selling of foreign currencies, and to provide facilities of all types for remittance of funds, prepaid Forex cards, traveller cheques, syndicate, sell and encash travellerÕs, cheques, debit, agents and dealers of foreign exchange in the field of inward and/or outward remittance and to undertake all activities and businesses as may be permitted by Reserve Bank of India from time to time.