Dumka | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Dumka? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 201-250 has it all.
Total Company: 178
Location Dumka, Jharkhand, India
Jagruk Mahila Farmer Producer Company Limited is engaged in the trading of grains, oilseeds and oleaginous fruits, seeds and animal feed.
Location Dumka, Jharkhand, India
Dubey Nath Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, fruits, vegetables, sericulture, goatery, marketing and trading of all agricultural products including cereals, medicinal, processing, spices, packaging, grains, procurement, poultry, aggregation, oil-seeds, floriculture, apiculture, horticultural, pulses, storage, millet, dairy, aquaculture, lac culture for the benefit of members.
Location Dumka, Jharkhand, India
Construction Industrial Manufacturing Agriculture
Sri Sai Manufacturing And Engineering Company Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, importers, rails, dealers, exporters, distributors, traders in all kinds of PVC, sanitary items, PVC wood, LLDPE, grills, duct pipe, door closures, HDPE, agents, PLB cable, hose pipe, processors, stockists, PVC pipe fittings, and many more.
Location Dumka, Jharkhand, India
Vijaybharat Infrastructure Private Limited is engaged in the business to purchase, to make industrial park for self or let out with all facilities, to establish manufacturing as well as service unit for different products, structures and to turn the same into account, telephonic, suitable for industrial activities, electric, land, building, acquire, commercial and Industrial or conveniences thereon and to equip the same or part thereof with all or any infrastructure and amenities or conveniences, develop the same and dispose of or maintain the same and to build townships, markets or other buildings residential, drainage facility, take on lease or in exchange or in any other lawful manner any area, to establish software technology park for own use or for let out.
Location Dumka, Jharkhand, India
Manmode Construction Private Limited is engaged in the business to build, alter, maintain, construct, and enlarge.
Location Dumka, Jharkhand, India
Agriculture Animal Husbandry Fertilizers
Dumka Vegetable Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of preparation of crops for primary markets.
Location Dumka, Jharkhand, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages Animal Husbandry Fertilizers
Search Vegetable Processing (Saraiyahat) Producer Company Limited is engaged in the processing of fruits and vegetables.