Fathepur | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Fathepur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Kanupriya Agro & Company Private Limited

    Location Fathepur, Rajasthan, India

    Agriculture Aquaculture

    Kanupriya Agro & Company Private Limited is engaged in the business of green cultivation, oil-seeds, medicinal plants, organic farming, herbal farming, tissue culture greenhouses, floriculture, agriculture, drip irrigation, fruits, farming, cultivation of all kinds of food grains, green parks, red houses/poly house, seeds, horticulture, shade net house, and flowers.

  • Sunroof Harvester Private Limited

    Location Fathepur, Uttar Pradesh, India

    Business Services Electrnoics

    Sunroof Harvester Private Limited is engaged in the business as trader, diesel generator set, importers, jobber, agriculture and water equipment, including maintenance service provider, solar power plant, assembler, machinery, installer, installer, distribute, exporters, all product related to renewable energy, modify, inverters, devices and all sorts of systems, deal in any manner in or such other businesses as may be necessary to conduct the above said business smoothly and to sell, industrial/domestic batteries, electric pumps (energy-saving devices), installers, LED lights, electronic and electrical devices and to provide consultancy, solar street lights installer, solar energy, solar pumps, electrical panels, convert, give or take on lease/rent of all types of solar integrator, manufacturer, components, promote different products and services including consumer/ industrial goods and harvesting products whether in India or in abroad.