Gandhi Nagar | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Gandhi Nagar? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 501-550 has it all.
Total Company: 1650
Location Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, India
Location Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, India
Sahjanand Capital Buildtech Llp is engaged in the business to construct, wharves, and hangers, manage, work, houses and other constructions or conveniences of all kinds, railways, and superintend within or outside the country anywhere in the world all kinds of works, improve, embankments, warehouses, reclamation, reservoirs, administer, develop, power supply works, control, docks, irritations, which expression in this memorandum includes but not limited to roads, operate, maintain, airports, and hotels, and tramways, water, piers, buildings, equip, sewage, gas, electronic light, cinema houses, cold storages, harbors, support, public or otherwise, canals, markets, serial runways, improvements, sanitary, carryout, execute, public and other buildings and all other works and conveniences of public or private utility.