Guwahati, | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 28
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Down Town Enterprises Limited is engaged in the business of providing hospital activities.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Assam State Weaving And Mfging Co Ltd is engaged in the business of IT support services relating to the maintenance of SOP.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Sudarshan Entrade Ltd is engaged in the business as manufacturers, accessories, yarns, agents and dealers in timber, machinery spares, traders, merchants, fertilizers, drugs, agriculture, medicines, jute, material handling, plastics, plantation, rubber products, minerals, mining, and others.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Goalpara Roller Flour Mills Ltd is engaged in the business of millers in all its branches and set up mills for wheat, maida, and other grains, basin, such as biscuits, grain, flakes, atta, dal, and other allied products and to manufactures, and cereals, suji, and by-products and to manufactures food products, confectioneries from flours of all kinds and description and to set up factories or mills for the manufactures thereof.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Agradoot Publishers Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of selling of newspaper, books and periodicals.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Trading Food And Beverages Plastics
Hanuman Finance Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturers, packers and dealers in timber, distributors, food grains, paints, merchants, winding wires and other toiletry articles.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
G L Resorts Limited is engaged in the business of restaurants and bars.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Hospitality & Wellness Service Tourism And Accommodation
Rahman Properties Ltd is engaged in the business of providing guest accommodation services.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Financial Services Industrial Manufacturing Agriculture
Puja Vanijya Viniyog Ltd is engaged in the business as buyers, growers and dealers in plant and machinery, construction, sellers, manufacturers, agricultural, industrial, exporters, electronic, importers, plantation, producers, and other equipment and products.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Dahej Offshore Infrastructure Sez Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturer, produce and to sell dispose of and deal in any such produce, blend and in all way deal in tea, rubber and other produce of soil and to carry on and engage in the business of cultivator, coffee, manufactured or raw state and either by wholesale or retail.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Transportation Aviation Logistics
Air Transport Corporation Assam Private Ltd was earlier known as Air Transport Corporation Assam Ltd, it is engaged in the business of providing courier and transport services.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Amtron Informatics India Limited is engaged in the business to develop, electronics, assembling, allied and supporting technology and to undertake manufacturing and services either of own or on job work basis franchise basis or otherwise all electronic and information technology-related goods and services and import-export and deal in parts, promote, and allied industrial project or enterprise though establish of manufacturing, information, and development activities and such other means as will be conducive to the growth of electronic informatics, undertake and execute, material finished and semi-finished goods relating to the same.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Electrical Oil & Gas Transportation
Assam Carbon Products Ltd was earlier known as Assam Coke Oven & Briquette Company Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing of carbon blocks of various grades.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Information Technology Service Trading Electrnoics Electrical
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited is engaged in providing IT (Information Technology) services and solutions.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Metal & Minerals Plastics Construction Material
Assam Roofing Limited was earlier known as Assam Asbestos Ltd, The company is engaged in manufacturing AC (Asbestos Cement) sheets and GC (Galvanized Corrugated) sheets.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
Assam Small Industries Development Corpn Ltd is engaged in the business to promote and development of SSI (Small Scale Industries) in the Assam state.
Location Guwahati,, Assam, India
India Carbon Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and supply calcined Petroleum Coke (CPC).