Hathras | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Hathras? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 401-450 has it all.
Total Company: 491
Location Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India
Warehousing Professional Services
Chaudhary Jai Ram Cold Storage Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing cold storage services to farmers for potatoes and perishable products.
Location Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India
Warehousing Professional Services
Center Point Warehouse Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing storage and warehouse services.
Location Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India
Venkateshwar Sheetgrah Private Limited is engaged in the business as keepers of cold storage, cheese, fruits, roots, freezing houses and coolers for storing vegetables, butter, fish, milk, marine products, cream, warehouses, chilling plants, ice-plants, meat, protein foods, bacons, potatoes, refrigerators, poultry products, storage chambers, eggs, go downs, other horticulture produce, sausages and other substances made from all or any of them.
Location Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India
Lafortuna Leathers Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, exporters, purses, travel goods including bags, importers, all kinds of industrial leathers, gloves, skins and other materials required for converting hides and skins into leather and to carry on all or any of the business of tanners, or any other business of allied nature whether manufacturing or otherwise any other business of allied nature, and distributors of and dealers and stockists in all classes of hides, tanners, saddles and horse ridings equipment, caps, beddings vanity bags, briefcases, synthetic rubber, hide and skin merchants, belts, suitcases, curriers, synthetic leather.
Location Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India
Warehousing Professional Services
Madnawat Cold Storage Private Limited is engaged in the business of install, fruits, dry storage warehouse, dairy product, seeds, meat, take on lease and run, all kind of edible items, acquire, conduct and operate a cold storage warehouse, bounded warehouse, fish, poultry, air conditioning or any other plant to store and preserve frozen and other storable material and all kinds of perishable food stuff such as potatoes, purchase, food processors and farm products on rent basis or otherwise and to run and maintain cold chain facility.
Location Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India
Agriculture Professional Services
Narayan Seeds Private Limited is engaged in the business of seeds processing for propagation.