Hosakote | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 7
Location Hosakote, Karnataka, India
Healthcare Electrnoics Professional Services
Realisim Technologies Private Limited was earlier known as Realisim Tsl Technologies Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of providing modeling support for aerospace and industrial application.
Location Hosakote, Karnataka, India
Bhudevi Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of trading of all mangoes, making of cold storage facilities, by-products, fish and fish products, processing, running of flour mill for animal feed; forestry including collecting, poultry, export, import, flowers, meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, vegetables, oil extraction, trading and any such activities dealing with forest resources including wild forest products and by-products.
Location Hosakote, Karnataka, India
Industrial Manufacturing Agriculture Fertilizers
Mythri Irrigation Systems (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business to act as manufacturers, implements, pesticides, sprayers, to deal in tractors, natural or man-made fertilizers, vendor, importers, pesticides, drip irrigation systems, brokers, insecticides, stockists, power tillers, fertilizers, preserves, sprinklers, exporter, dealers, fungicides all types of gas-based, agro equipment, traders, seeds, and chemicals and whether granulated or otherwise.
Location Hosakote, Karnataka, India
Karnataka Agro Chemicals Private Limited is engaged in the producing and supplying of fertilizers and pesticides.