Jagadhari | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Jagadhari? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 14
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Medklein Lifesciences Private Limited is engaged in the business of constructing office buildings.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Jindal Lifecare Private Limited is engaged in hospital activities.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Decorax Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of automotive parts.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Akhil Metal Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of trading waste and scrap and materials for recycling and also providing metal construction services for manufacturing works.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Jagramji Plywoods Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing plywood, blockboard, and flush doors such as Tabrox, Stonic.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Oberois Portfolio Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing portfolio management services except for pension funds.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Service Steel Metal & Minerals
B.G.Dhatu Udyog Limited is engaged in the business to set up steel furnace and continuous casting and rolling mill plant for producing steel and alloy steel ingots, rails, joints, rounds, such as flats, hexagons, octagons, squares, steel and alloy steel billets and sizes of re-rolled sections, angles, channels steel strips and so on.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Ambalika Plywood Pvt. Ltd is engaged in the manufacturing and supplying of plyboard, checked plywood, commercial plywood, designer flush door, waterproof plywood, and blockboard.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
Bhavyam Laminates Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing financial management and consultant services.
Location Jagadhari, Haryana, India
York Cellulose Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing tissue papers, toilet rolls and napkins.