Jalna | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 2112
Location Jalna, Maharashtra, India
Trading Business Services Textile
Radha Sarveshwar Emporium Private Limited is engaged in the business of handlooms emporium business and carry on the business in India or elsewhere of manufacturing, woolen, improving, cotton, retailers, importers, sellers, dyeing and coloring of all kinds of fabrics and yarn, storing, ginning, spinning, texturing, dyeing, weaving, silk, knitting, marketing or and to act as brokers, transporting, importing, pressing, selling, developing, producing, processing, fabricating, reselling, cutting, crimping, linen and such fabrics which may come into market as an advent of scientific development and suitable for manufacture of garments, industrial and furnishing cloth and printing, buying, exporting, exporters and agents in textiles goods and readymade ladies unstitch garment of all fabrics, dealers, washing, silk mercers and silk products.
Location Jalna, Maharashtra, India
Vijay Seeds Company Private Limited was earlier known as Vijay Seeds Company Limited, it is engaged in the business of processing seeds.
Location Jalna, Maharashtra, India
K M Re-Rolls Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading of MS round bars, angles, I and U sections and iron and steel items, bars, pipes, flats, trading and supply of all type and variety of iron, rods and scrap.
Location Jalna, Maharashtra, India
Bhadra Maruti Steels Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, commercialize, broker, importer, consultant or otherwise to deal in all shapes, uses, sizes, process, assemble, machine, buyer, engineers, convert, galvanize, trader, exporter, cut, treat, produce, seller, roll and to act as agent, stockiest, alter, distributor, descriptions and varieties of products whether made of iron and steel or of any other metal in combinations with any ferrous and non-ferrous materials.
Location Jalna, Maharashtra, India
Adhiraj Herbals Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing industrial chemicals.
Location Jalna, Maharashtra, India
Kuber Steel Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of wholesale trade business of steel and steel alloys and products, sheets, screws, turners, hoops, in different shapes and sizes from scraps, drawers, strips, metal hinges, copper, nails, nickel and any other ferrous and non-ferrous metals of all sizes, steel (including alloy steel) and metal founders, circles, ingots including wire, rounds, stainless steel, lead, billets, plates, to act as a commission agent, angles and to alloy steel, rollers and re-rollers of steel shafts, rods, zinc, forgers, brass, any other products from steel, bars, steel sheets coated and uncoated steel sheet, act as a channel partner in India or elsewhere the business of providing heat and cold treatment of iron, specification and description including ingot casting in electric and furnace.
Location Jalna, Maharashtra, India
Vasudha Alloys Private Limited is engaged in the business of basic iron and steel manufacturing services.