Jambudiya | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 13
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Plastics Metal & Minerals Ceramics
Hexa Ceramic Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of ceramic glazed wall tiles of different sizes.
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Kempt Tissues Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing civil contractor and architect service and interior work.
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Plastics Metal & Minerals Ceramics
Qmax Ceramics Private Limited is engaged in dealing in ceramic and decorative tiles.
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Bell Multi Kraft Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of kraft paper.
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Plastics Metal & Minerals Ceramics
Latigres Vitrified Private Limited was earlier known as Letina Vitrified Private Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing, trading and dealing in all types of tiles and ceramic items.
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Plastics Metal & Minerals Ceramics
Max Granito Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, trading and dealing in all types, styles and natures of tiles and sanitary wares.
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Plastics Metal & Minerals Ceramics
Blueart Granito Private Limited was earlier known as Orzone Ceramic Private Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing of vitrified tiles that finds application in both commercial as well as residential buildings.
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Plastics Metal & Minerals Ceramics
Siyaram Vitrified Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing, trading, and dealing of vitrified tiles and ceramics.
Location Jambudiya, Gujarat, India
Plastics Metal & Minerals Ceramics
Suntel Ceramic Private Limited is engaged in the business in India or elsewhere the business to manufacture, agents, produce, finish, display, process, explore, extract, varieties, export, exchange, crush, stockiest, and sales organizers, specifications, fabricate, market, cure, distributors, promoters, build, excavate, design, descriptions, retailers, convert, wholesalers, mix, sell, sizes, modify, suppliers, franchisers, operate, of all shapes, and to act as brokers, handle, barter, purchase, treat, prepare, formulate, import, job work, develop, consignors, grind, distribute, applications and uses of tiles.