Jhalrapatan | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 2
Location Jhalrapatan, Rajasthan, India
Burhani Flooring Chambers is engaged in the business to undertake research activities related to recycling the waste of marble, granite and kota stone into various levels and to convert into final products i.
Location Jhalrapatan, Rajasthan, India
Uttam Stone Mineral Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, screen, treat, glaze, marble, quartz, polish, wash, brokers, sell or act as agents, dress, design, blocks and slabs of granite, grind, mine, engrave, cut, assemble, crush, suppliers and dealers in all kinds of tiles, refine, export, all products of cultured marble, finish, import, process, purchase, wax and prepare for market, stockists, agglomerated marble, fabricate, distributors, acidise, precious and semi-precious stones.