Kadi | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kadi? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 87
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Trading Food And Beverages Appreal & Fashion
Ambica Cotseeds Limited is engaged in the business of cotton ginning and pressing and trading of cotton bales.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Tourism And Accommodation Metal & Minerals
Samvid Steels Private Limited was earlier known as Saumil Traders P Ltd, it was formed to operate the business as manufactures, sizes, yarn, woolen, of all types, kinds, traders, distributors, marketing, and natures of cotton polyester, silk or any any other man-made fiber, and texturized yarn.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Food And Beverages Professional Services
Ashapura Tradecom Private Limited is engaged in the business of buying, merchandise, raw material items, equipment, antiques, pieces of arts, semi-finished, articles, exporting and trading of all kinds of goods finished, selling, retainer ship, products such as agricultural, industrial, machinery, capital goods and any other item capable of purchasing, importing, exporting and trading and to be appointed as agents and/or distributors on commission, allowance, handicrafts, selling, chemical or marine, stones, reselling, incentive basis.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
R. I. Cotton Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturers, yarn, cotton bale, and to carry on the business of ginning and pressing, cotton seeds, finishing or any processing or any of the substances of fibers and fabric and sell and purchase of fibers, dyeing, art silk, sellers, tufting, weaving, crushing and milling of cotton seeds and solvent extraction and fibrous substance, jute, wool, knitting, suppliers in all kind of cotton, processors, agents, printing, buyers, cotton thread, blenders, dealers, raising and dealing in cotton, man-made fibers, importers, spinning, and related products, and silk, consignees, exporters, traders, stockiest, cloth or manufactured products and others.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Nueron International Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of textiles.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Map Cotton Private Limited is engaged in cotton ginning and pressing at its plant located in Kadi (equipped with 58 ginning machines and one pressing machine) with a daily installed capacity of 750 bales.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Musical Instruments Glass Renewable Energy
Gobind Glass And Industries Limited is engaged in the business of manufactures of and dealers in sheet glass, figured glass, wired glass, plate glass, safety glass, toughened glass and mirrors and all sorts of glass and glassware.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Electrical Equipment & Machinery Agriculture Industrial Manufacturing
Sanvi Equipments Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing machinery and parts thereof.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Best Value Forex Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing services auxiliary to financial services.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Kayvee Aero Pharm Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturing pharmaceutical formulations.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Golden Crystal Infrabuild Limited was earlier known as Golden Crystal Infrabuild Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of real estate and providing construction services for commercial and residential buildings.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Wonder Paperbox Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacture, export and act as manufacturing of or otherwise to deal in all varieties, printed flexible packaging materials, compound, lumps, mix, pack, paper, wood, formulate, grade, add, plastic pipes, mold, and uses of roto-molded plastic parts, plastic articles, strengths, heat, description, molds and material including cotton, jute, offset printing, rubber, repack, plastic goods, plastic, clean, remove, characteristics, import, design, packing material, processor, powders, wash, and many more.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Electrical Trading Equipment & Machinery
Haitian Huayuan Machinery (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, import and local trading of injection molding machinery.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Appreal & Fashion Animal Husbandry Agriculture Textile
Dhanraj Cotton Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading raw cotton bales.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Trading Professional Services Food And Beverages
Eagleeye Exim Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing consultants and commission agents for commodity trading and also trading in and operating as importers and exporters of commodities.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Fab Af Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing marketing management and consulting services.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
P. I. Cotton Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, exporters, suppliers in all kind of cotton, traders, importers, dyeing, agents, processors, cotton seeds, stockiest, spinning, buyers, and silk, crushing and milling of cotton seeds and solvent extraction and fibrous substance, consignees, sellers, tufting, finishing or any processing or any of the substances of fibers and fabric and sell and purchase of fibers, raising and dealing in cotton, cotton bale, man-made fibers, cotton thread, weaving, dealers, printing, wool, jute, and related products and to carry on the business of ginning and pressing, blenders, knitting, yarn and cloth.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Chemicals Animal Husbandry Plastics
Resipol Adhesives Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, chemical compounds (organic and inorganic) heavy chemicals, dyes, importers, exporters, tannin extracts, fermentation, solvents, suppliers, traders, distributors, pigments, sellers re-sellers, and dealers, dyestuff, alkalies, buyers, in all kinds of chemicals, colors, acids, chemicals auxiliaries.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Aditya Oil Industries Limited was earlier known as Aditya Oil Industries Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of extraction of wash oil from cotton seeds arising out of cotton ginning and pressing and other oil seeds like soya bean, knit, (de oiled cake) and to buy, karadi, manufacture, raw cotton bales, dye, import and export of these products and to gin, cotton, clothes, groud nut, waste cotton, spin, print and bleach, yarns, press, weave, silks, sunflower, sell, oil cakes, woolen and other goods and undertake all types of processing and deal in all kinds of textile made fabrics and other natural raw materials.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Business Services Financial Services
Du Point Loyalty Distribution Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing financial and related services.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Business Services Financial Services
Amero Research & Loyalty Solutions Private Limited is engaged in dealing in loyalty coins.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Chemicals Food And Beverages Textile Biotechnology
Amster Microcell Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and supplying of excipient and its derivative products.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Appreal & Fashion Food And Beverages Textile
Axita Cotton Limited was earlier known as Axita Cotton Private Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing and exporting cotton bales and cotton seeds.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Chhatral Environment Management System Private Limited is engaged in the business activities relating to invention, technology advancement, conversion of effluents into trade products, creation and development of technology, safe disposal of items, setting up of facilities or factories for treatment of all types of industrial waste or chemicals or other industrial effluents and resource recovery, processes, techniques, ecology advancement and resource mobilization.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Evershine Decor Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing decorative laminates suitable for homes, hotels, and shopping malls.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Ganesh Global Commodities Private Limited was earlier known as Keshar Agromart And Warehousing Private Limited, The company is engaged in trading of castor seeds, cotton seeds and cottonseed cake.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Metal & Minerals Construction Material
Jubilant Piping Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, dealers, fabricators and consultants in India or elsewhere of pipe fittings, importers, exporters, flanges, plates, pipes, pipe spools of various grades of metals.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Map Refoils India Limited is engaged in the refining of cottonseed, mustard, sunflower, soya, corn, groundnut, and palm oil.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Trading Business Services Equipment & Machinery
Marj Export Private Limited is engaged in the importing and exporting of technical engineering machinery.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Chemicals Business Services Software
Nebula Healthcare Limited is engaged in manufacturing and trading of allopathic medicines.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Chemicals Food And Beverages Textile
Noronic Pharmaceutical Private Limited is engaged in pharmaceutical product manufacturing services.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Trading Business Services Metal & Minerals
Palco Recycle Exchange Limited was earlier known as Kalyani Sharp Abresive Ltd, it is engaged in the business of recycling.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Metal & Minerals Recycling & Waste Management
Palco Recycle Industries Limited is engaged in the trading of ferrous, non-ferrous metal, and other kinds of scrap.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Metal & Minerals Steel Construction Material
Paras Bhavani Steel Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing steel pipes, and tubes, hollow sections, among others.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Pashupati Cotspin Limited was earlier known as Pashupati Cotspin Private Limited, The company is engaged in ginning and spinning of cotton.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Safal Lifescience Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing of pharma IV fluids items and other items.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Appreal & Fashion Textile Agriculture
Shanta Cotton Industries Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing raw cotton, cottonseed oil, cotton bales, and cottonseed cake.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Spensus Pharmaceuticals Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, cosmetics, store all kinds, to markets, contraceptives, spirits, factors, exporters, custom synthesis, capsules, medicines, agents, multi-vitamins, liquid drugs, pharmaceuticals formulations in any form and their intermediates and raw materials, powder, pills, vitamins, suppliers, mixtures, assemble distribute/redistribute, distributors, stockists, fine chemicals, medicates, drug intermediaries, importers, consultants, vitamin preparations, nature, medicine coating, retailers, common medical preparation, representations, wholesalers, bulk drug, pack, packers, types, repack, dealers, and description of pharmaceuticals and surgical items, traders, dyes intermediaries, anti-biotic, general druggist, tablets, and others.
Location Kadi, Gujarat, India
Vaibhavlaxmi Exports Private Limited is engaged in the exports and trading of cotton yarn at Gujarat.