Kanchipuram | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 2492
Location Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Animal Husbandry Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Chennai Hydroponics Llp is engaged in the business of offering hydroponics & aquaponics products, small home, design, implementation, balcony hydroponics growing setups and to offer end-to-end technology solution, and maintenance services for commercial farms, R&D for feasibility, aquaponics technology involving artificial intelligence, indoor, rooftop, installation, office, machine learning, innovation on hydroponics, and IoT.
Location Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Appreal & Fashion Chemicals Textile
Shri Rassigapriya Silks Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, polyester and other fiber materials, rayon and other goods or merchandise whether textile felted, power loom sarees including cotton sarees, silk sarees, selling, buying, cloth, synthetic fibers, embroidery sarees and all kinds of sarees in retail and wholesale basis and to deal in all kinds of textiles, exporting, linen, and dealing in all kinds of handloom sarees, yarn, importing, art silk sarees, netted or looped in retail and wholesale basis.