Kankavli | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kankavli? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 8
Location Kankavli, Maharashtra, India
Sawant Patel & Sindhudurg Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business to grow, produce, sell, horticulture, bleach, harvest, canning, prepare, import or otherwise deal in all kinds of agriculture, buy, process, venting, commercialize, brewing, drying, procure, grind, marketing, trade, fair, refine, manufacture, packing, manipulate, extract, export, farm produce and products.
Location Kankavli, Maharashtra, India
Trading Chemicals Pharmaceuticals
Matilda Pharmaceuticals (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing wholesale trade service of pharmaceuticals products.
Location Kankavli, Maharashtra, India
Trading Agriculture Food And Beverages
Greencrop Dry Foods And Vegetables Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturers, collectors, distributors and dealers in agriculture inputs specially cashew, producers, processors, purifiers, importers, exporters traders, vegetables and groundnuts and produce and to work as facilitators to the farming community for the mechanization of entire operations of framing not affordable to individual farming not affordable to individual farmer and to provide the benefit of combine/group marketing of the agriculture produce of the member farmers.
Location Kankavli, Maharashtra, India
Trading Home Appliances Beauty And Personal Care Pharmaceuticals
Yash Distributors Private Limited is engaged in the business of purchasers, retailers, cosmetics, tonics, importers, household consumer products such as toothpaste, exporters, dealers, commission agents, shaving cream, ayurvedic herbs, distributors, processors, marketers of pharmaceuticals, traders, sellers, toilet soap, medicals, authorized agents, sanitary napkins, among others.
Location Kankavli, Maharashtra, India
Jadhav Beverages Private Limited is engaged in the manufacturing of soft drinks.
Location Kankavli, Maharashtra, India
Sapale Auto Service Private Limited is engaged in the retail trading of cars.