Kannur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kannur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 701-750 has it all.
Total Company: 1974
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Metro Urban Properties India Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate activities with own or leased property.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Eins Professionals Private Limited is engaged in the business of management consultants and advisors and to provide consultancy services on matters and problems relating to the industries and trade, marketing, logistics, shares, production, accountancy, manufacture, taxation, operational, management, export, organization, securities and secretarial, costing, technical know-how, statistical, distribution, financial, import, commercial or economic or trade activities, administration, human resources, quality control and data and processing, storage, sale and purchase of goods, property and other activities.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Mayyil Rice Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of operating mini rice mill.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Construction Tourism And Accommodation
Real Forts And Resorts Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of construction of buildings, which are used primarily for trade.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Iritty Chits Finance And Investments Private Limited is engaged in providing financial and related services.