Kannur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kannur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1701-1750 has it all.
Total Company: 1974
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Sigs Financial Services (India) Private Limited was earlier known as Olarikkara Investments And Hire Purchase Pvt Ltd, it was formed to operate the business of investment company in all its branches to buy, debenture stocks, and deal in shares, bonds, sell, underwrite, invest in and acquire and hold, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any company constituted of and carrying on business in India or elsewhere and debentures, bonds, debenture stocks, stocks, obligations and securities of any descriptions.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Trading Mining Construction Material
Geopetra Enterprises Private Limited is engaged in the business of mining and quarrying.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Sreedharan And Company Pvt Ltd was earlier known as Sreedharan And Company Limited, it is engaged in the business of processing of liquors in containers holding 2 ltr or less.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India