Kapashera Boder | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Kapashera Boder? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Glider Infrastructure Private Limited

    Location Kapashera Boder, Delhi, India

    Real Estate Construction

    Glider Infrastructure Private Limited is engaged in the business as owner, licensors, promoters, developers, maintainers, consultants, colonizers, all type of infrastructure work, surveyors, builders, interior and exterior decorators, estimators, all types of structural and piling engineering work, contractors, town planners, general and government civil contractors of immovable properties or any description wherever situated, realtors, lessors, civil engineers, landscaping.

  • Vrg Buildcon Private Limited

    Location Kapashera Boder, Delhi, India

    Construction Real Estate

    Vrg Buildcon Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of residential houses, commercial building, flats and factoryÕs, sheds and buildings in or outside of India and to act as builder colonizers and civil constructional contractors.

  • Rudra Realtors Private Limited

    Location Kapashera Boder, Delhi, India

    Construction Real Estate Animal Husbandry Fertilizers

    Rudra Realtors Private Limited is engaged in the business to purchase, sell, designs, develop, construct and furnish industrial, alter and improve existing structures and works thereon and to act as town planners and civil contractors and to carry on the business of real estate developers and colonisers and for such purpose to prepare estimates, erect, let and/or dispose off or let out or give on rent lands of any tenure or interest therein and to develop, enlarge, own, social, rural and/or urban townships or estates and to rebuild, commercial, residential, improve, plans and specifications.