Karnal | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Karnal? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1301-1350 has it all.
Total Company: 1826
Location Karnal, Haryana, India
Equipment & Machinery Trading Food And Beverages
Poshak Manson Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading of machinery and equipment.
Location Karnal, Haryana, India
Business Services Hospitality & Wellness Equipment & Machinery
Sadashiv Traders And Service Providers Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading all kinds of items, and providing services of all kinds, and running all types of skill activities, and establishment of manufacturing units (food processing), and catering services.
Location Karnal, Haryana, India
Skyline Nutrition Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting veterinary pharmaceuticals products.
Location Karnal, Haryana, India
Tourism And Accommodation Fertilizers
Gitamani Agro Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture, pesticides chemical manure including nitrogenous, potassium manures and granulated manures, muriate of potash, di-ammonium phosphates, insecticides, ammonium sulfate, fertilizers, ammonium nitro phosphate and other nitrogen allied chemicals, triple and allied phosphoric manures, phosphoric, dolomite gypsum, mixtures of NPK different composition and of different proportions of NPK, super-phosphates, distributors, double, imports, and agents in agrochemical products, single, dealers, potassium like urea, exports, organic manure, leather meat and bone.
Location Karnal, Haryana, India
Trading Equipment & Machinery Electrnoics
Gurunanak Airtech Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture, export of air conditioners, sell, washing machines, buy, import, fridges and electronic equipment.
Location Karnal, Haryana, India
Bhardwaj Overseas Private Limited was earlier known as Bhardwaj Solar Energy Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of basmati rice.
Location Karnal, Haryana, India
Trading Food And Beverages Agriculture
Harbir Agrotech Private Limited is engaged in processing and trading of seeds.
Location Karnal, Haryana, India
Trading Electrnoics Industrial Manufacturing
G-Charge Impex Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing mobile telecommunications services-access and use.