Koraput (Nac) | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Koraput (Nac)? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 2
Location Koraput (Nac), Odisha, India
Abja Led Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture, cells, sizes, assemble, re pack, tapes, develop, and stripes, pumps, tubes, cords, electric circuits, transformers, solar panel items, electrical motors, bulbs, produce, conductors, supply or otherwise deal in all models, electrical furnaces, tubes, process, buy, recondition, bars, export, inverters, repair, shapes, capacitors, install, enamelled wires, import, capacities and varieties of LED light, switch boards, pack, brand, wires, converters, sell, switches, lamps, design, electronic motors, service, light fittings and others.
Location Koraput (Nac), Odisha, India
Atmios Mines And Minerals Private Limited is engaged in the business to buy, develop, mining rights in any land or other place and metalliferious land and any interest there in and to explore, take on lease or under a license, work, grant or otherwise acquire mines, concession, turn to account the same.