Kozhikode | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kozhikode? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 5401-5450 has it all.
Total Company: 5584
Location Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Malabar Cars Private Limited is engaged in the business of dealers in passenger car vehicles, automobile electrical items, lubricants, accessories, cameras, relays, insurance policies, small and medium pick up vehicles, sports utility vehicles, safety items and car audio systems.
Location Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Shabenderi Real Estates Ltd is engaged in the business of providing rental or leasing services of houses, flats and apartment buildings.
Location Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Sathyadhara Communications Private Limited is engaged in television broadcasting.
Location Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Alysons Vehicles And Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of marketing, tractors, motorcycles, lorries, jeeps, vans, lubricants, importing, accessories, spare parts, buying, cars, repairing, trucks, exchanging, selling, servicing, exporting, maintenance and dealership of all types automobiles, including motor vehicles, hiring, scooters and all kinds of vehicles, fitments and ancillaries in India or abroad.
Location Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Sports Entertainment Business Services
Festival Hub Sports & Events Facilities Private Limited is engaged in the business of hotel accommodation services, recreation, food courts, health club, bars, convention center, reading, sport, libraries, clubs, writing and newspaper rooms, laundry services, entertainment of all kinds, wedding halls, banquet halls, housekeeping services, grounds and places of amusement, dressing rooms, baths, laundries, beauty saloons.
Location Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Ross Food Products Private Limited is engaged in the business of proccesing of food products.