Lihakhedi | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 2
Location Lihakhedi, Maharashtra, India
Agriculture Wood Appreal & Fashion Food And Beverages
Shri Siddheshwar Ginning And Pressing Private Limited is engaged in the business of ginning and pressing of cotton and selling of cotton bales.
Location Lihakhedi, Maharashtra, India
Musical Instruments Textile Food And Beverages Appreal & Fashion
Shri Rokadoba Maharaj Ginning & Pressing Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading and manufacturing in ginned cotton bales and cotton seeds and other cotton products and trading cotton, bleaching, pressing, preparing, processing of cotton, finishing, weaving, spinning, cotton cleaning, exporter, processors, yielding and otherwise to deal in cotton or man-made fibers, coloring, producer, buyers, but not limited to, importer, dying, ginning, seller or otherwise as a dealer in all kinds of cotton and cotton products.