Lucknow | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Lucknow? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 6751-6800 has it all.
Total Company: 23333
Location Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Service Real Estate Telecommunication
Vaishnav Infradevelopers Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing operation and maintenance services for both active and passive components of the cellular network and also provides infrastructure support services.
Location Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Non-Profit Organizations Biotechnology
Dkare Biotech Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, broths and other restoratives or foods and also to deal in medicinal goods such as surgical instruments, photographic goods, perfumes, vaccines, antibiotics, biologicals, liquors, process, medicinal preparations, ayurvedic, contraceptives, proprietary medicines, unani, processing of tablets, wholesale and/or retail trade all kinds of pharmaceuticals, formulate, cordials, healthcare, chemical products, mineral waters, bottling, ointments, drugs, injections, patent medicines, refine, hospital requisites, repacking, soups, nutraceuticals, oils, herbal and dietary supplement products, develop, cosmetics, syrups, veterinary medicines and tinctures extracts and to carry on the business of filling, import, artificial limbs, medicines, capsules, wines, soaps, export, chemicals, dry salters, and many more.
Location Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Non-Profit Organizations Chemicals
Newage Wellness Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturers, suppliers, consignors formulator, wholesalers, retailers, traders, stockiest, sub-agents, buyers, importers, biological, exporters, distributors, drugs, producers, makers, convertors, ayurvedic and dietary supplement products, surgical and non-surgical items, agents, medicines, antibiotics, merchants, nutraceuticals, developer of all kinds of pharmaceuticals, healthcare, sellers, and others.
Location Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Healthcare Pharmaceuticals
Striker Remedies Private Limited is engaged in the business of chit fund activity.
Location Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Aspirerise Entrepreneur Private Limited is engaged in the business of infra-developers, development of all type of electrical and sanitary works along with rural and urban electrification, infrastructure works, bridges, sideways, courts, curve, development of houses, railway, development and maintenance of all type of gas pipe lines, improve, erect, re-model, construction, grades, schools, places of worship, liquid fuel pipe lines, repair, apartment, construct, solar energy parks and related activities and to build, construction works and consultancy of real estate, water tank, path, pave macadamize, cement and maintain flyovers, highways, hospitals, streets, leveling or paving work, roads, river side development, demolish, develop, pavements and other similar constructions, multiplex, and for these purposes to purchase, real estate-developers, or otherwise acquire and hold any land and prepare lay-out there on or buildings among others.
Location Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Location Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Sns Financial Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of investment and to underwrite to invest in with or without interest or security and acquire by gift or otherwise deal in shares, debentures, bonds units, debenture stocks, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by Indian or foreign governments.
Location Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Construction Rubber Service Trading Metal & Minerals Ceramics Construction Material
Finlay Insulations (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing construction services.