Mahbubabad | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Mahbubabad? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Nikhma Healthcare Private Limited

    Location Mahbubabad, Telangana, India


    Nikhma Healthcare Private Limited is engaged in the business of health care by all possible ways and means be it by way of medication, surgical goods, market, hospital equipment, research, do job work, wheelchairs, rehabilitation or using latest trends/technologies in the related fields and to manufacture, surgical instruments, sell, orthopedic appliances, whole-sellers, obesity equipment, consignment agents and handling agents and consultants in all kinds of health care products like electro-medical equipment, dealers, surgery, import, hospital furniture, export, act as distributors, give for job work, artificial limbs, physiotherapy, buy, and fitness equipment.