Malleshwaram | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Malleshwaram? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 10
Location Malleshwaram, Karnataka, India
Business Services Information Technology
Deftec India Technical Communications Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing IT services.
Location Malleshwaram, Karnataka, India
Airwallex Services India Private Limited is engaged in the business to provide in India and abroad all support services, institutions, services, back-office services, agencies, corporate (including public and private) who are in the business of cross-border payment and to provide services for collection, and other allied services to all types of entities, technology and software services, and software support for foreign exchange transactions and payment services across India and abroad and assisting customers including Indian businesses to collect sales proceeds from overseas and to provide services for repatriate funds back to their respective local area and to provide services to enable customers to make payments overseas in supported currencies through local clearing or SWIFT networks.
Location Malleshwaram, Karnataka, India
Trading Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories Appreal & Fashion
Swagat Abharan Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and trading gold, silver, and diamond jewelry.
Location Malleshwaram, Karnataka, India
Classic Loan Advisories Private Limited is engaged in the business of an investment trust company and to underwrite, stocks, debenture-stocks, sovereigns, or public authorities or bodies and share, and acquire and hold, dominions, sub-underwrite, obligations, and securities issued and guaranteed by any company, municipalities, debentures, bonds, units; obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by Indian or foreign governments, to invest in, debentures, debenture stocks, buy or otherwise deal in shares, sell, state, bonds, corporation, firm or person whether incorporated or established in India or elsewhere.
Location Malleshwaram, Karnataka, India
Healthcare Non-Profit Organizations
Namma Homeopathy Private Limited is engaged in providing healthcare services.
Location Malleshwaram, Karnataka, India
Sdu Winery Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing wines.