Medak | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Medak? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 551-600 has it all.
Total Company: 664
Location Medak, Telangana, India
Sasy Infratech Private Limited was earlier known as Sasy It Solutions Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing other IT support services.
Location Medak, Telangana, India
Printing & Publishing Information Technology Software
Vt Pharmatek Private Limited is engaged in the business of software designing, testing, maintenance, customization implementation, development, and bench-marking services.
Location Medak, Telangana, India
Handum Industries Limited is engaged in the business to establish, converters, suppliers agents, fabricators, dealers, own or acquire ferrous and non-ferrous metal melting furnaces, processors, alloy steel plants, brokers, mini-steel plants, stockists, rolling mills and to carry on business as manufacturers, importers and exporters and dealers of and in ferrous and non-ferrous metal.
Location Medak, Telangana, India
S.R. Drugs And Intermediates (Unit 3) Private Limited is engaged in the business to establish, chemical, maintain, contract synthesis, surgical management of diseases and afflictions; development of the new method of diagnosis; and to investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigation and findings and research in the pharma, purchase, market research, manage, promote and organize laboratories to carry on the activities of research and development on pharmaceuticals and natural products, improve, develop, equip, diagnostics, clinical and medical field and to acquire any patent and licenses or other protective devices relating to the result of any discovery, acquire, custom synthesis, undertake, investigations, contract research, drug discovery, own, clinical studies, run, enzyme catalysis, finding of researches.
Location Medak, Telangana, India
Location Medak, Telangana, India
Industrial Manufacturing Musical Instruments Plastics
Southern Expanded Polystyrene Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of thermocole.
Location Medak, Telangana, India
Electrical Trading Transportation Other Industry
Vossloh Cogifer Turnouts India Private Limited is engaged in the manufacturing of railway crossing, rail switches, and wooden sleepers.
Location Medak, Telangana, India
Plastics Construction Material
Integrated Thermoplastics Limited was earlier known as Torrent Thermoplastics Private Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing fabricate polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes and fittings and tubes and bends, among others.
Location Medak, Telangana, India
Beta Lact Laboratories Ltd, is engaged in the business of manufactures, export and generally deal in all types of chemicals, sell, pharmaceuticals, drugs and intermediaries and to carry on the business of consulting engineers in chemical, import, buy, pharmaceutical and dyestuff industries.