Merta | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 3
Location Merta, Rajasthan, India
Energy Chemicals Renewable Energy
Sathyam Green Power Private Limited was earlier known as Sathyam Power Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of developing power projects and generating power which is derived from non-conventional sources of energy.
Location Merta, Rajasthan, India
Red Rose Granites Private Limited is engaged in the business of auctioneer, markets, construct, improve, acquire, residential flats, alter, convert, roads, farm houses, furnish and maintain land including agricultural land, develop, and buildings for hotels, or otherwise and to erect, demolish, build, buildings, houses, canals, houses, complexes, bridges, get, restaurants and cinema houses, residential, and mills; and to purchase, repair, dams, commission agency/agent of land owners of industrial, shops, agricultural, factories, wells in India or abroad.