Moshi | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 9
Location Moshi, Maharashtra, India
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
Han Gang International Hospitality Private Limited is engaged in the business of running Korean restaurants, holidays, cafes, hotels, continental food, motels, guest houses, rest houses, food stalls, holiday camps, eating houses to serve trade and industry in different cities to provide ready food to the customers which may include Indian food, caterers, road houses, resorts, hostels, taverns, lodging, inns, villas, Korean food and food of different varieties.
Location Moshi, Maharashtra, India
Business Services Other Industry
Newage Corporation Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing services in the field of multi media and related services, event management, hotel, and hotel management, real estate, food and beverage services, environmental services.
Location Moshi, Maharashtra, India
Unitics Infrastructure And Technology Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction, Operate, Computer technology and all types of infrastructure facilities like BOOT ( Built, Automobile works, elevated water tanks, building construction, technical consultants, construction of WTP, infrastructure work such as road, Operate and Transfer), STP, BOLT ( Built, builders, Operate, Lease and Transfer), designers and architects for all kinds of construction activities in India and abroad and to undertake all civil, BOT (Built, electrical works, advisors, industrial shed, consultancy services, mechanical, Own and Transfer), bridges, dams & canals, collaborators, Installation of RMC Plant and supply of RMC and to carry on all types of act as consultants, engineers, contractors, BOO (Built, Operate and Own) in India or abroad either or its own or with joint venture with any other Indian or Foreign participant.
Location Moshi, Maharashtra, India
Electrical Industrial Manufacturing Equipment & Machinery Automobile
Shanirajeshwar Die Casting Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and trading of PDC components, auto components and LED light fixtures.
Location Moshi, Maharashtra, India
Vamana Chalana Chitra Studios Private Limited is engaged in the business of production and distribution of films.
Location Moshi, Maharashtra, India
Zielotech Software Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing cold storage services and renting immovable property.