Nagpur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Nagpur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 4951-5000 has it all.
Total Company: 14062
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Electrical Fabrication Equipment & Machinery Agriculture
Garud Yantra Nirmitee Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling, assembling, radial drilling, tools and their accessories of all types and kinds including CNC machines, hobbling machines, milling machines, importing and exporting of machine, pillar drilling and machining centers, buying, DROS for lathes, gear boxes and surface boxes and surface plates.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Transportation Business Services Logistics
Sricon Logistics Private Limited was earlier known as Eurasia Construction & Consultants Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing land transport services.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Gupta Realinfra Ventures Private Limited is engaged in the business of developing, theaters, management and development of multiplex, constructing and operating all forms of facilities including construction, convention centers, maintaining, commercial complexes, ports, airports inland waterways or inland ports.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Lahari Fertilizers And Agro Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business as producers, converters and dealers in NPK granulated mixed fertilizers using nitrogen, processors, manufacturers, phosphorous and potash and their various chemicals compounds and forms.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Professional Services Service Business Services
Rcc (Infrastructure) Consultants Private Limited is engaged in the business to provide consultancy, specifications, civil works, advisory and other services relating to infrastructure, engineering, structures, industrial works by providing designs, layouts, plans, among others.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Real Estate Business Services Construction
Jagruti Infra Devlopers Private Limited was earlier known as Akriti Advisory Services Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of builders, interior decorators and designers, real estate agents, execute turnkey projects and provide value added services.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Business Services Other Industry
Vimla Tradelink Private Limited is engaged in the business of general traders, electrical goods, importers, brokers and commission agents in respect of handicrafts, linen, cloth, household utilities, art objects, wholesalers, stationery, agents, woodwork, representative, retailers, gift, exporters, garments, dealers, novelties, furniture and other items of daily use and or merchandise goods.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Tourism And Accommodation Service Event & Shows
Sk Celebration Private Limited is engaged in the business to construct, structures and facilities used for celebrating marriages, cultural programs, rebuild halls, seminars and all other types of occasions; to provide all types of facility services repaired for such celebrations and for the purpose to act as broker, events, birthdays, lawns, repair, parties, remodel, maintain, rituals, operate, buyer and manager of all sorts and descriptions of celebration halls.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Electrnoics Stationery & Office Supplies
Nathe Publication Retail Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading of books.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Balaji Ganga Real Estate Private Limited is engaged in the business in land and properties, designers, residential and complexes and to act as engineers, developers, builders, buildings, contractors, constructors, maintenance operation and to do all these businesses either singly or jointly with and other firm company or person to build and transfer lease, planners, building experts and advisers for development and construction of all types and buildings and structures, infrastructure facilities including development, construct, license or otherwise deal in such infrastructure facilities.
Location Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Central India Packaging Company Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturing of packing material such as paper egg trays, tube pack, seed pots, apple trays, orange trays from the waste paper.