Nandgaon | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Nandgaon? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Amravati Agro Foods Private Limited

    Location Nandgaon, Maharashtra, India

    Food And Beverages

    Amravati Agro Foods Private Limited was earlier known as Healthy Solvex Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of manufacture, solvent edible food, inedible or vegetable oil or refining oils either by crushing or by chemical or any other process from copra, and also all seed by a product like a doc, preserve, bottle, castor seed, linseed, groundnuts, process, prepare, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents in foods synthetic edible, till or any other nut or seed or other oil-bearing or soybean, can refine, oil cake, cottonseed, buy, and any type of byproduct of same process substance whatsoever.

  • Davp Chemsys Private Limited

    Location Nandgaon, Maharashtra, India

    Business Services Chemicals

    Davp Chemsys Private Limited is engaged in the business manufacturing and supplying of drug intermediates and specialty chemicals.

  • Royal Greenhouse Construction India Private Limited

    Location Nandgaon, Maharashtra, India

    Construction Business Services

    Royal Greenhouse Construction India Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction, money circulation activity and the company shall undertake not to carry on any prize scheme or Ponzi scheme or collective investment scheme which is prohibited the prizes and money circulating Banning Act, assembling, commissioning and transport of green house and poly house structure; and the company will not carry any multi-level marketing, manufacture, erection, 1978.