Nedumbassery | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Nedumbassery? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 8
Location Nedumbassery, Kerala, India
Milaa Traders India Private Limited is engaged in the business of buying, exporting, importing, reselling, storing, promoting, transporting, selling, trading, marketing or supplying, developing, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all types of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) products on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere.
Location Nedumbassery, Kerala, India
Logistics Service Transportation
General Shipping And Logistics Private Limited is engaged in the business of logistic management services.
Location Nedumbassery, Kerala, India
Rohith Narayanan Films India Private Limited is engaged in the business to produce, exhibit, documentary films etc; and to act as agent, owners of copy rights, finish, treat, import, proprietor, make, process, sell, print, duplicate, buy, telefilms, broker, expose, reprint, develop, advertising films, alter, theatres, cinema halls, prepare, convert, export cine films, remake, edit, audio rights, display, dubbing rights, distributor, TV serials, run, cinema studio and film processing labs owners and to do all other incidental acts for the attainment of the aforesaid objects of the company.
Location Nedumbassery, Kerala, India
Transportation Food And Beverages
Globalskycargo Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing security services.