Olpad | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 4
Location Olpad, Gujarat, India
Aquaculture Food And Beverages
Aussco Aquatech Private Limited is engaged in the business as aquaculture, ship chandlers, prawn and their by-products such as cod liver oil, and block, wire rope, fish and for that purpose using equipment like anchor and chain, chilled or frozen, hatcheries, fish, shrimp, dry fish, concessionaires or otherwise deal in seafood processing, compass and nautical instruments and all other things required for fishing.
Location Olpad, Gujarat, India
Madhav Marine Products Private Limited is engaged in the business of retail sale of feed and medicine and seed.
Location Olpad, Gujarat, India
Chemicals Metal & Minerals Glass Plastics
Sunrise Silichem Industries Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing of sodium silicate.