Ooty | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Ooty? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 28
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Recycling & Waste Management Appreal & Fashion
Swappcycle Private Limited is engaged in the swapping of clothes through the application.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Professional Services Software
Ephron Systems Private Limited is engaged in website designing and development.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Moddy's Confectionery Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing homemade chocolates.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Neelagiri Collective Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of producing agriculture products.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Animal Husbandry Fertilizers Agriculture
Nethra Crop Sciences Private Limited is engaged in research and development, production and marketing of hybrid seeds.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Tourism And Accommodation Equipment & Machinery
Alumparampil Homes And Hotels Private Limited is engaged in trading of engineering design; procurement construction, repair, maintenance of power plants and industrial plants.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Julia Resorts Private Limited is engaged in the business of accommodation food and beverage services.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Moddy's Modern Stores Private Limited is engaged in the business as traders, distributors, cosmetics, processors, packers, home appliances, jewellery, or otherwise deal in magazines, toys, fruit and dairy products.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Vfibernet Communication Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing telecommunication, broadcasting, and information supply services.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Entertainment Gaming Real Estate
Nilgiris Amusements And Ecoparks Limited is engaged in providing amusement park and similar attraction services.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Pentoz Technology Private Limited is engaged in the business to act as advisors, to make feasibility studies, and technical services and to render such other services as are usually rendered by consultants for and in connection with the management, assist in acquisition and concern of plant and machinery, research design, to provide procurement, plant operation, render advice on planning development, production, construction, industrial consultants and to provide technical know-how, manufacture, technical, processing of engineering goods and any other allied products required by trade and industry; and to act as management consultants and to provide services of data processing and modern management sciences.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Agriculture Animal Husbandry Fertilizers
Nilgiri Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of providing agricultural and animal husbandry service activities.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Nilgiris Flower Company Limited was earlier known as Nilgiris Flower Company Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of production of natural flowers.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Professional Services Online Services
Nutrimentum Agri Care Private Limited was earlier known as Hashtagged Stationeries And Publications Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of providing stationary items including notebooks for various purposes and to provide a platform for advertising and publishing articles on the covers of notebooks sold with the use of information technology and its application.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Information Technology Software
Dcis Dot Com Solutions India Private Limited is engaged in the business of software development and information and communication.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Real Estate Agriculture
Lawrencedale Estates And Farms Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing and trading of floriculture, horticulture, organic farming and other farm produce.
Location Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Thiashola Plantations Private Limited is engaged in the business of tea cultivation.