Patiala | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Patiala? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 551-600 has it all.
Total Company: 1572
Location Patiala, Punjab, India
Indo U K Clinics Private Limited was earlier known as Indo U K Healthcare (Punjab) Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing clinical services.
Location Patiala, Punjab, India
Punia Poultries Private Limited is engaged in the business of poultry farming, birds, including broiler and other domesticated birds, import, purchase of egg, and operation of hatcheries, production, export, poultry feeds, sale, poultry medicines and all other related activities with farming.
Location Patiala, Punjab, India
Sidhi Vinayak Cotspin Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing cotton yarn, combed cotton yarn, cotton knitting yarn and poly cotton yarn.
Location Patiala, Punjab, India
Zuventus Udyog Limited was earlier known as Basil Udyog Limited, it was formed to operate the business of construction of apartments, bridges and dams and to act as an agent for purchasing, channels sewage, roads, cold storageÕs, buildings, pub, hydel projects, huts, warehouses, tenements, industrial sheds, hotels, mills and offices, power houses, canals, whether multistoried, hospitals and nursing homeÕs, buildings, malls, multiplex complexes, reservoirs, cinema halls, shops, flats, culverts, restaurants, tunnels, selling and letting on hire, plot and houses, commercial and/or residential buildings on commission basis.
Location Patiala, Punjab, India
Electrical Service Telecommunication
Joginder Singh Towers & Contractors Private Limited was earlier known as Pal Towers Services Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of trading of cables.
Location Patiala, Punjab, India
Pharmaceuticals Real Estate Healthcare
Rsa Healthcare Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading pharmaceutical products.
Location Patiala, Punjab, India
A. B. Carz Private Limited is engaged in the business of agencies, traders, tractors, vans, vehicles, jeeps, scooters, trucks, repairing of all kinds of automobiles, selling, cars, buying, buses and others related with automobile.