Patna | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Patna? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 2901-2950 has it all.
Total Company: 16006
Location Patna, Bihar, India
Construction Information Technology
Evolution Tech & Infra Private Limited is engaged in the trade and related services of firefighting, security and surveillance systems along with IT software, hardware and networking solutions.
Location Patna, Bihar, India
Watch And View Media And Advertising Private Limited is engaged in the business to undertake the business of, publicity, litho work and manufacturing advertising objects, sociological and advertising research, designing, novelties, graphic designing including product packaging exhibition, other transport vehicles and public places, phototypesetting computerized desktop publish printing, all types of consumer market, walls, public relations press relations and mass communication, industrial, photography, buses, packaging, magazines, slides, newspapers, advice, audiovisual display and to prepare, and to work as consultants and on, screens, railways, advertising, books, and other advertising materials and to carry on business of advertisement and publicity agents and contractors in various ways and manners including outdoor and indoor, manufacture and construct advertising devices and to publish or advertise the same through any media whatsoever.
Location Patna, Bihar, India
Information Technology Business Services
Mks Enterprises Private Limited is engaged in the business of data processing, networking services, data entry, computer aided design, call center, document and image processing, business process outsourcing, desktop publishing, system and application software implementation, any other data transcription, medical, multimedia content development, systems integration internet services.
Location Patna, Bihar, India
Metal & Minerals Trading Steel
Jai Mangla Sponge Iron Private Limited is engaged in the manufacturing of sponge iron at its plant located at Saraikela Kharswan district of Jharkhand with a current installed capacity of 60, 000 metric tonnes per annum (MTPA).