Pilibhit | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Pilibhit? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 301-350 has it all.
Total Company: 303
Location Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India
Healthcare Professional Services
Sriswasti Hospitals Private Limited is engaged in the business of human health and social care services.
Location Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India
Madhurvani Infra Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing joint venture projects, and fabrication works (pipelines, storage tanks, flat construction, godowns, rowhouses, warehouses, individual bungalows, commercial complex, pump houses, and its associated civil works).
Location Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India
Mitra Sajivan Farmer Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, millets, manure, medicinal, oil-exploration/refinery plants, pulse, animal feed, growth promoters, fiber crops and agro-inputs like seeds, fertilizers, oilseeds, horticultural, spices crops including of cereals, farm implements, vegetables, pesticides, procurement, all agricultural, millers, other ago-based produce-processors among others.
Location Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India
Saraswati Dhyan Singh Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of dealing in the production, manure, and distribution of all kinds of agricultural products, trading, marketing, collection, seeds, pesticides, and agricultural machinery.
Location Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India
Pilipbhit Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in operating in segments related to agriculture, forestry and fishing.
Location Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India
Business Services Construction
Hmc Multitrade Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate activities.
Location Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India
I.P. Food Products Private Limited is engaged in the processing of wheat products.
Location Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, India
Healthcare Chemicals Pharmaceuticals
Sharda Devi Memorial Polyclinic Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing general medical services.