Pimpalgaon Lan | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Bhairavnath Farmers Producer Company Limited

    Location Pimpalgaon Lan, Maharashtra, India

    Agriculture Animal Husbandry

    Bhairavnath Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, machinery, acting as stock agents, storing, processing, drying, grading, floriculture, fruits syrups, re-packing, exporting primary produce of the members such as cereals, refining, manufacturing, food grains, freezing, fruits and vegetables, pulses, agricultural inputs, merchants, cold storage providers, packing, procurement, distributors, selling, dairy products, cash crops, processing, fertilizers, oilseeds, buying, pesticides, pooling, handling, equipment, seeds or import of goods or services for their benefit either by itself or through other institution of all kinds of agricultural goods including other primary produce and any by-products, fodder crops, animal husbandry (including poultry), harvesting, marketing, consumables, joint product thereof of the members.