Pusapatirega | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 1
Location Pusapatirega, Andhra Pradesh, India
Sree Lakshmi Prasanna Ispat Private Limited was earlier known as Dhananjaya Steels Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of manufacturers, aluminium Sheet, exporters, Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel of any size and pattern used or capable of being used for any industrial, buyers, Galvanized Sheet, Cast Iron, distributors, processors, commercial, Cold Rolled Coil] of metal including Mild Steel, Tar Steel, Sponge Iron, producers, and seller of all kinds of Pig Iron, Steel Strips, Hot Rolled Coils, importers, dealers, agricultural and or domestic purposes and to treat and utilize any waste arising from any such products so as to produce, Copper Sheet, Structural Steel, manufacture by- kind or nature.