Raichur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Raichur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 301-350 has it all.
Total Company: 273
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Tunge Diagnostic Centre Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing diagnostic services.
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Arka Ferro Alloys Private Limited is engaged in the business carrying in India or elsewhere the business of prospecting, rutile, process, broils, survey, exercise, broker, prepare, goods, gypsum, bauxite, diamonds, limestone, brimstone, lignite, mica, barter, quarries, gold, including sands, vanadium, distributor, stockiest, load, unload, betonies, turn to account, smelt, and materials, and to act as agent, manager, transport, exploring, china clay, chrome, export, and working on mines, apalite, remove, contractor, finish, produce, iron, excavate, substances, copper, convert, consultant, supply, manufacture, calcite and coal, dig, break, precious and other stones, minerals, chalk, titanium, operator or otherwise to deal in all sorts of presents and future ores, undertake, handle, develop, iron ore, clay, deposits, import, silver, stones, buy sell, magnesium, and to win, and soils, aluminum, set, crush, acquire, operating, brine, and many more.
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Healthcare Chemicals Pharmaceuticals
Raichur Medical Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of hospital/diagnostic activities and providing medical and health care services.
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Appreal & Fashion Textile Food And Beverages
R K B Agro Industries Limited was earlier known as Bhandari Traders Private Limited, The company is engaged in the manufacturing and processing of cotton and oilseeds.
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Prabhu Hotels Private Limited is engaged in the hotel business.
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Hospitality & Wellness Real Estate Tourism And Accommodation
Vasukeshav Developer Private Limited is engaged in the business of hotel and restaurants.
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Construction Transportation Warehousing Real Estate
Mohini Infra Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of buildings.
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Sri Lakshmisrinivasa Cold Storage Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing refrigerated storage services.
Location Raichur, Karnataka, India
Trading Chemicals Beauty And Personal Care Handicrafts Pharmaceuticals
Reva Medicare Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturers of bulk drugs, chemicals and chemicals used in the chemicals, unani, herbals, medical, food and supplements, homeopathic, biotechnological medicines, catalysts, allopathic, and among others.