Rajendernagar, Hyderabad | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Aelin Films Private Limited

    Location Rajendernagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

    Sports Broadcasting

    Aelin Films Private Limited is engaged in the business to design, and commercialize, stockiest, making, news feeder, protect, representative, newsletters, manage, print, journals, establish, acquire, souvenir, quarterly, tastes, and to act as agent, market, supplier or otherwise to deal in all types, pamphlets, produce, evening, job work, monthly, or other allied publications, fortnightly, magazines, half-yearly, daily, and yearly newspapers, organize, special bulletins, sponsor, varieties, weekly, promote, develop, run, control, and languages of morning, operate, equip, own, purchase, export, noon, circulate, periodicals, maintain, communicator, publish, import, amalgamate, distributor, sell, participate, correspondent, on any subject whatsoever and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of foregoing objects and to act as media planner for trade and industry.