Rajnagar | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 16
Location Rajnagar, Rajasthan, India
Bapu Marble And Granites Private Limited was earlier known as Bapu Marble And Granites Limited, it was formed to operate the business to produce, granite, sell and deal in all kinds of marbles, crush, marble slab and marble chips, polish, marble blocks, mine, improve and purchase, process, alter, quarry, among others.
Location Rajnagar, Jharkhand, India
Metal & Minerals Construction Material
J J Extrusion Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of aluminum sheets.
Location Rajnagar, Rajasthan, India
R. A. Granitemines Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, all products of cultured marble, sand stones, suppliers and dealers in all kinds of tiles, refine, assemble, fabricate design, silica stones, brokers, slate stones, blocks and slabs of granite, precious and semi-precious stones (including artificial stones) lime stones, marble, distributors, stockiest, export, import, soap stones, sell or act as agents, wax and prepare for market, purchase, marble, treat, building stones and any waste or by products thereof.
Location Rajnagar, Rajasthan, India
Badola Automobiles Private Limited is engaged in the business of vehicle trading and repairing.
Location Rajnagar, Rajasthan, India
Musical Instruments Mining Ceramics
Chandi Marbles Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and trading of marbles and other allied products.
Location Rajnagar, Rajasthan, India
Rameshweram Marbles Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, finish, rocks of natural stones such as sandstone, import, acquire, cut, stockiest, granite, organize and to act as agent, marble, buy, mine owners, broker, prepare, distributor, quarry owners or otherwise to deal in all shapes, polish, sizes and varieties of rough and polish stones, develop, logs, sell, mine, treat, grave, produce, export, slabs, convert, crush, slate stones and many more.