Ranny | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 7
Location Ranny, Kerala, India
Kachanathu Mines Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire, grinding, iron ore mines, to undertake domestic trade and/ or export sales of so mined products and commodities as raw materials or semi-finished or finished products with or without processing, cutting and to excavate materials and commodities, quarry, metals, cutting, area rich in minerals, purchase, and such other commodities and to undertake mining activities by way of blasting, take on lease of any land, buy, polishing.
Location Ranny, Kerala, India
Ebenezer Granites Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire, purchase, buy, cutting, iron ore mines, to undertake domestic trade and/or export sales of so mined products and commodities as raw materials or semi-finished or finished products with or without processing, metals, take on lease of any land, area rich in minerals, quarry, and such other commodities and to undertake mining activities by way of blasting, cutting and to excavate materials and commodities, grinding, polishing.
Location Ranny, Kerala, India
Kachanathu Minerals And Metals Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire, purchase, take on lease any land, metals, cutting and to excavate materials and commodities and to undertake domestic trade and/or export sales of mined products and commodities as raw materials or semi-finished or finished products with or without processing, iron ore mines, buy, area rich in minerals, quarry and such other commodities and to undertake mining activities by way of blasting, grinding and polishing.