Ratnagiri | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Ratnagiri? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 401-450 has it all.
Total Company: 501
Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Gadre Foods And Beverages Private Limited is engaged in the business of buying and selling a variety of fish for manufacturing Surimi has been started by the company.
Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Jopal Healthcare Private Limited is engaged in the business to own, run, clinics, medical and other research centers, diagnostic centers, immunization centers, polyclinics, and maintain, establish, health centers, hospitals, laboratories and to apply or provide utility articles and services to patients, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, research centers, manage, blood bank service centers, attendants and others and to provide aids to medical personnel for research and development and to act and work as consultants in medical profession in India and abroad.
Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Rk Patel Automobiles Private Limited is engaged in the business of dealing in motor vehicles along with providing allied services like repairing and servicing motor vehicles.
Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture Real Estate
Konkan Mango Processing (Ratnagiri) Private Limited is engaged in the business to process, supply, preserve, trade, bottle, buy, deal in, sell, pack mangoes and processed mango products and to form and to develop mango processing cluster and to provide all the facilities, import, procure, export, cook, distribute, can, market, prepare, produce, CFCs (Central Facility Centre) and support to the members of the mango cluster.
Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Pushpendra Real Constructions Private Limited is engaged in providing construction services for multi-dwelling buildings.
Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Kelkar Canning Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and exporting of canned Ratnagiri alphonso mango pulp, variety of pickles, jams, syrups and18 different ranges of Konkan food products.