Saharsa | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Saharsa? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 251-300 has it all.
Total Company: 267
Location Saharsa, Bihar, India
Non-Profit Organizations Healthcare
Dhanwe Life Care Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire, natural cure centers, dispensaries, yoga centers, maternity and family planning units, construct, hospital, health centers, run, clinics, develop, establish, manage, massage houses, beauty salons, polyclinics, immunization centers, operation theaters, swimming pools, gymnasiums, erect and to handle within India and elsewhere, nursing homes and other research centers and similar establishment on membership basis or otherwise for the treatment of persons suffering from illness or mental defect or for the betterment of the society at large and to do all such incidental lawful acts and things necessary for the attainment of the foregoing objects.
Location Saharsa, Bihar, India
Hotel Koshi Niwas Private Limited is engaged in the hotel business.
Location Saharsa, Bihar, India
Saharsa Women Jeevika Producer Company Limited is engaged in dealing in agricultural products.
Location Saharsa, Bihar, India
Sonbarsa Agro Trade Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing services relating to sale and purchase of food grains.
Location Saharsa, Bihar, India
Tara Structure Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of roads, railways, and other utilities.
Location Saharsa, Bihar, India