Salem | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Salem? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 651-700 has it all.
Total Company: 1959
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Kave Textile Mills Salem Private Limited is engaged in the business of spinning, job work basis, weaving or manufacturing or dealing in cotton, dying of any of the said substances on own basis, and the sale of yarn, viscose or other fibrous substances and preparation, cloth or other manufactured fibrous products.
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Jai Sri Rukumani Textile Mills Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of cotton yarn.
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Venus P P V Spinning Mills Private Limited is engaged in the business of preparation and spinning of cotton, fiber including blended cotton activities.
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Service Trading Equipment & Machinery Business Services
Gmt Machines (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading, erection, installing, commissioning, servicing, manufacturing, of all types of machinery and cranes and their spares, assembling, tools and dies in India and any other country in the world.
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Sma Wind Energy Private Limited is engaged in the business to own, operate, install, wind electric generators or any other power-producing machinery or generator and to produce power therefrom for purpose of sale to prospective buyers in government and non-government sector, and others.
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Other Industry Food And Beverages Agriculture
Ezhil Agencies Private Limited is engaged in the business as traders, movers, stockiest, undertakers, converters, distributors, food products, buyers, merchants, sellers, wholesalers, agents, preservers, importers, refiners, eggs, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of agricultural commodities, sub-agents, exporters, suppliers, poultry, packers, franchisees, cereals, retailers, fabricators, meats, jobbers, pulses and many more.
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Dignity Properties Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of buildings and acquisition of lands and buildings, also to develop and maintain them suitably for sale outright or on timeshare basis or on a membership basis.
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
E-Commerce Business Services Telecommunication
Salem Mobile Xpress India Private Limited is engaged in dealing in electronic telecommunication equipment and parts.
Location Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Textile Professional Services
Rsk Weaves Private Limited is engaged in the business of bookkeeping services.