Sambalpur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Sambalpur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 401-450 has it all.
Total Company: 507
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Ni Losaa Organics Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, oils, coatings, preparing, metallic paints, distemper, retailing, thinners, producing, developing, consultants, manipulating, commercializing, grading, importing, job workers and to deal in all varieties, compounding, selling, descriptions, specifications, epoxy paints, buying, exporting, characteristics and applications of colors, varnishes, distributors, mixing, extracting, and acting as brokers, collaborators, packing, coverage's, emulsion paints, converting, melamine paints, mixtures, primers, supplying, processing, concessionaire, deriving, repacking, formulating, including plastic paints, transporters, C and F agents, discovering, paints, wholesaling, enamels and waterproofing paints.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Mnh Shakti Limited is engaged in the business of acquisition in part or full, screening, selling, exploring, converting, purchasing, marketing, drilling, manufacturing, organizing and providing and estimating the reserves of coal, crushing, storing, processing, distributing, developing, of green field or operational coal/ lignite mine blocks in India and to carry out the activities of prospecting, receiving, trading, supplying, blending, producing, lignite and gases (coal-bed methane) and other mineral resources and implementing program for the efficient development of and dealing in all kinds of coal/lignite mining.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Growing Tree Oil & Refinery Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading lubricant products.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Household Services Service Transportation Logistics Business Services
Vision Habitate & Services Private Limited was earlier known as Nutan Logistics & Transport Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business as maintenance & repair service, work contract service, road transports service, and security service.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Agriculture Chemicals Pharmaceuticals Warehousing
Lath Sachidananda Agro Private Limited is engaged in the business of agriculture.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Ni Losaa Agrochem Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing software development services.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Laxmi Agro Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing of rice, rice bran, and broken rice.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Plastics Steel Construction Material
Sidhi Vinayak Polyplast Private Limited was earlier known as Shree Krishna Ispat Industries Private Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing, sprinkler pipes, exporting and trading of HDPE pipes, plumbing pipes and agriculture pipes.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Tayal Rice Mill Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing of paddy and raw and boiled rice and other by-products.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Susakti Vegetable Farmer Producer Company Limited is engaged in trading of fruits and vegetables.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Banadurga Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, procurement, marketing, processing of agricultural products.
Location Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Twisha Educational Private Limited is engaged in providing general medical services.