Sara | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Comandant Solar Energy Private Limited

    Location Sara, Gujarat, India

    Energy Renewable Energy

    Comandant Solar Energy Private Limited is engaged in the business to generate, gas, running, erecting, transmit, lines, diesel oil, lamps, distribute, air, machinery, structures, controlling, cables, lay down, operating, equipment, accumulators, leasing or transferring power plants and plants based on conventional or non-conventional energy source, sell and supply electric power or any other energy from conventional/non-conventional energy by biomass, works, wires, accumulate, hydro, including buildings, establish, operate and maintain power/energy generating stations, and works and to undertake or to carry on the business of managing, thermal, purchase, owning, windmill or another means/source on a commercial basis and to construct, or through renewable energy sources, thermal power plants and many more.