Satara | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Satara? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 551-600 has it all.
Total Company: 1931
Location Satara, Maharashtra, India
Penta Cluster Infra Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business of purchase, promotion, non agricultural and development of building, hotels, constructions and development of any kind of land like agricultural, industrial and commercial premises, housing and to undertake built-up infrastructure and construction developments projects for housing, educational institutions, townships, hospitals, resorts, among others.
Location Satara, Maharashtra, India
Kavita Landmarks Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of residential, development of all other types of lands and properties and to run the business as dealers, sellers, commercial properties, development in special economic zones (SEZ), advisors, executors and contractors for all kinds of properties, buyer, re-sellers, agents, consultants, lands, structures and real estates.
Location Satara, Maharashtra, India
Kalpataru Insulations Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, or otherwise dealing in all types and kinds of rubber insulated, altering, PVC insulated cables and wires, buying, ropes, exchanging, and enameled wires.
Location Satara, Maharashtra, India
Cord Energy Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading vacant and subdivided land.