Shivpuri | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Shivpuri? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 101-150 has it all.
Total Company: 141
Location Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, India
Somya Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, export of primary produce of the members or import of goods or services for their benefit, harvesting, grading, procurement, marketing, selling, pooling, handling, provided that the producer company may carry on any of the activities specified in this clause either by itself or through other institution.
Location Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, India
Trading Real Estate Agriculture
Mahendra Logistics India Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing agriculture activities.
Location Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, India
Shivpuri Food And Nutrition Private Limited is engaged in the business of process, packed foods, frozen foods, sell, poultry products, food products, buy, seafood, dehydrated foods, preserve, trade and deal in processed foods, biscuits, export, health, milk foods, manufacture, refine, health foods, canned foods, extruded foods, sweets, freeze, produce and mix, bakery products and confectionery items such as bread, extract, and diet drinks, precooked foods, import, preserved foods, agro foods, pack, cakes, fast foods, protein foods, pastries and many more.
Location Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, India
Location Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, India
Jaitirupati Buildinfra Private Limited is engaged in the business of sale, purchase, run, hire, secure, structure, develop, develop, or let out, provide, estates, shops, industrial sheds, buildings, deal for development, sale and deal inland and to construct, houses, arrange or deal in or manage, warehouse, cold storage, or resale agricultural land, acquire, lands, own, infrastructures and other properties of any nature and interest therein and purchase, acquire, sell or shops thereon.
Location Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, India
Logistics Warehousing Transportation
Pattewala Cold Storage Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing supporting transport services (refrigerated storage services).