Taluka Gokak | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 1
Location Taluka Gokak, Karnataka, India
Shakuntala Auto Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, space crafts, hire, seaplanes, equipment, alter, tanks, lorries, sell, construct, assemble, appliances, and deal in all kinds of vehicles including, rail wagons, fabricate, service, repair, import, underground, in air, rockets, trucks, purchase, machinery, aircrafts, spare parts, submarines, ships, accessories, space or water as also In plant, component parts, let on hire, but not limited to motor cars, export, merchandise and goods of every description or used for any other purpose and whether used on road, and all other vehicles used for the transport or conveyance of passengers, tractors, tools and apparatus necessary or useful for or in connection with all kinds of vehicles.