Thakkar Bapa Nagar, | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Soft Rainbow Color Private Limited

    Location Thakkar Bapa Nagar,, Gujarat, India

    Business Services Chemicals

    Soft Rainbow Color Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturers of and dealers in chemicals, and chemical nature and kind whatsoever, disinfectants, varnishes, importers, insecticides, petrochemicals, acid alkalis, plastics of all types, analytical chemists, drugs, bleaching, fungicides, deodorants, tannin extracts, dye stuff, paints, sizing, bio-chemicals and pharmaceuticals, manufacturers of and dealers in heavy chemicals, chemicals compounds (organic and inorganic ) in all forms, tannins, chemical auxiliaries, and all by-products and joint products thereof: carry on business as chemical engineers, essences, liquid and gaseous ), intermediates, solvents, cello phanes, medicines, textile auxiliaries, medicinal, pharmaceuticals, exporters, antibiotics, vat and other organic dyestuff, color dyes, chemical compounds and chemicals of all kinds ( solid, photo graphical and other preparation and articles.